Introducing: Confessions of a horny Virgin


I’m done.
I. am. Tired.
I know this is supposed to be an introduction, but, Can I rant for a while? Ok, Thanks. When you decide to be a virgin well more like when your mother threatens you to not get pregnant.  Those that have gone before do not exactly tell how it goes in reality.

The lonely nights.
The longing to be held.
The unnecessary baths you have take.
That annoying run just to expel some tension, and the unfortunate fall into masturbation( for some)
Nope, This isn’t exactly why I’m tired. I am okay with finding out about stuff right in the middle and adjusting quickly. Why am I tired? #TeamUnrealisticV
We all go ahead to be the all-prime-and-proper-Virgins-till-I-marry-Its-all-roses-through-the-process Arrgghhhh!

I’ve always wanted to have an honest realistic conversations about different stuffs, I really appreciate knowing that I am not in a struggle on my own and also encouraging people around me, but I’ve found out no one really wants to talk about it. I was chatting with a friend a while ago and he said “Some girls just like to portray themselves as superhumans, so they don’t get judged. But it would be good to know that you can talk about it and know you are not in the phase alone”

Maybe i’ve not looked well, but I only see people say #TeamVirgin and why they decided to stick to the route and “No one says its going to be east, but its worth it” But then, What about the koko of the gist? 😦

Anyways, Why else am I here? To bring it to you as it is noni 🙂 Well, Not me exactly Remember Adriana? From Blue Peril? You can check out the post 🙂

For those that just started following this blog (Please, tell me there are new followers -___-) I featured her sometime last year and she just disappeared, But now? she is back and excited about this and wants to share her journey as a young Christian Virgin as a form of encouragement to others out there to know that we not alone in the process.

The series will start tomorrow and continue for the next couple of weeks (depending on how much she wants to share) and if you are out there and want to share something about your journey as a Virgin and how you’ve dealt with it, your entries are welcome mail me [] or you just need someone to talk to please, mail me. Would love to read from you.

Drop your anonymous  comments. Thanks.

See you tomorrow 🙂 *Takes a back seat*

About The Counter Culture

The counter culture is a lifestyle blog that goes against religious norms, societal norms and cultural norms to bring the truth of Jesus. Managed my Tomilola
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2 Responses to Introducing: Confessions of a horny Virgin

  1. Ema Leecious says:

    I look forward to this series.
    Well done dear.

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