VLOG: What I am learning!!

Sooooooo!!! I did a VLOG!!

The audio is SOOOO CRAPPY!! I bounced it off someone and she convinced me post it. You can tell that I have stalled as I did it about a weekend ago.


No, Really the audio is sooo crappy.

If you notice I had my camera set-up in the background but I thought about the fact that I didn’t have a laptop to work on the video, and I really really wanted to do the video. so, I picked up my phone.

If you do make it to the end though, you really love me! Too much talk, enjoy some of the lessons I am learning in this phase of my life.

Hope you did learn something? By Gods grace, I will do better. Thanks for listening laidat.

Have you come to an end of yourself? Have you come to a point where nothing else seems to be working out and you’ve tried all you could? Click to meet GRACE

Posted in Vblog, videos | 4 Comments

20 Random facts about me

I had initially done this on Instagram but it seems like blogsville caught the bug too, so why not? 😉 

Here 20 facts about me;

0.5 Jesus is my love language 
1. I prefer being called my first name 
2. Morounfoluwa, call me that 🙂 
3. I have a spelling problem. I have to double check spelling or ask my personal encyclopedia +Akib
4. I’m the geek in rubber flat shoes 
5. Forget all the writing oh, I know nada about written English. This one is God!
 6. I work well under pressure 
7. I recently developed short attention span. I have to struggle to finish reading blog articles 
8. I’ve not been in a bookstore in over 3 months = I’ve not bought a new book != I’ve not read a new book, iborrow 
9. I hate ebooks 
10. I have a HUGE CRUSH on @tybello it’s not just the hair or the photography, it’s the soul.. jeez. I’m sounding creepy already (PLEASE INTRODUCE US) 
11. YEEEE!! Ted dekker! Tyler perry!! It is called intellectual crush for these ones 
12. I talk to myself Waaaay too much 
13. I’ve day dreamed and had pretend conversations for everything and all scenarios. *pauses for coffee* 
14. Speaking of coffee, I still dont get the point of decaf. Issh 
15. I must write down before I type before it can make any sense to me 
16. I’ve used only red and black pen since college. 
17. After drinking and over dosing on Garri for as long as I can remember, I recently developed an allergy. Now the garri gives me heart burn. I still drink sha, like a real G. 
18. I love photography. 
19. I enjooy kfc cone ice cream… for the oddest reason x_x 
20. I went through a phase where I didn’t wear trousers, use earrings or use alot of make-up. 

Have you come to an end of yourself? Have you come to a point where nothing else seems to be working out and you’ve tried all you could? Click to meet GRACE

Posted in 2014, Random...ish | 6 Comments

#ThankfulThursday: "Know Better, Do Better"

Hello Everyone, 
How are is your week going? October is a month of growth and a month of doing better not just knowing, but knowing to do better and this has kicked off well. I am absolutely grateful to God for everything he is doing.
Here are some more things I am Thankful for this week.
SOPE and our bond; He called me yesterday and all he had to say was “Are you where you can shout?” and I knew exactly what he was talking about then screamed my head off!!!!! God is goooooooood!!!! 
Skies, sunset, boat ride and a phone to capture the moment; 
Everytime I go to Ikorodu, the skies are different there… the other parts of Lagos una don chop the beautiful sky. Issh! 
The master Artist!!!

Promise kept and new books; I FINALLY got my own copy of when heaven weeps  and now add Frank peretti to the list. I have not gotten the chance to dig into these – I must finish the ones I am reading – buuut just looking at them looking at me makes me glad.

What new book is on your shelf? Or what are you currently reading?

See that? Need I say more?

Uber: Okay, So there is this new cab thingy going on in Lagos called Uber that a friend told me about, so I decided to try it out and boy, I was impressed!! Not just that the app was so cool but also that it was on time and see the ride? 🙂 
Just download the app here, sign-up with ‘mobtomi’ you get 3,000 and enjoy your ride. Thank me later. 

See the ride that came to pick me up? 😉 

My fav pair of Jeans; Fits perfectly and ever faithful. Please, say you have that one fav pair -__-

These and more I am grateful for. What are you grateful for?

Have you come to an end of yourself? Have you come to a point where nothing else seems to be working out and you’ve tried all you could? Click to meet GRACE

Posted in ThankfulThursday | 8 Comments

"One challenge was exposure to the sin of pornography" My God & I with Tommy

FH: Tell us about you.
I’ll limit this to the three things I’d love to be known most for and/or by: I’m Tommy Michael, I’m a Christian, and I’m a (gospel) pencil artist.

FH: When did you give your life to Christ?
I gave my life to Christ while still a kid. This makes it a bit difficult for me to settle on a date. Even though I somewhat made a rededication in 2010.
FH: What were the events that led up to making the decision?
I can’t exactly remember now, though I can easily assume it must have been one of my mum’s incessant talks on the rapture, heaven, hell or something like that.
FH: What challenges have you experienced in your walk with God?
One, not having as much faith as I would love to have in Him. Two, I learnt my Christianity in not so easy a way. Three, and chief of them, seeing how much God hates sin and sinfulness, was my (incidental) exposure to the sin of pornography.
FH: What practical steps did you take to deal with them?
As much as I felt like puking – literally – in my first real encounter with the earlier mentioned sin, it had held on to me and was going to engage me in a struggle for years. And of course my prayer for forgiveness couldn’t lead me out of it. How I overcame?
  1. As a Christian lad, I’d been made to understand God’s infinite intolerance for sin (by anyone: saved or unsaved). This I easily accepted (and still accept).
  2. As much as my knowledge of truth was shallow, deep down I knew I couldn’t do this by my effort.
  3. When I found myself unwilling to let go, I prayed God to make me willing to let go. When I say prayed, what I mean is cried. I ‘held on to His leg’. It was heartfelt. In the end there was a readiness to let go.
  4. When one prayer didn’t do it, I persisted until I got freed.
  5. The necessary action followed. I freed my pc of most of my movies. If there was a multipurpose website where occasionally a wrong image would pop up, I resolved to not visit it or do so less. I knew a little mistake could suck me right back in, which I occasionally experienced. Not anymore.
FH: There are times in our walk where we don’t exactly feel top notch, what keeps you going in those times?
What keeps me going is my decision not to feel, but to act on what I know and believe in His word, and to pray. I realized my feelings often to be misleading. Prayer helps a great deal in such situations.
FH: A lot of Christians out there have the major challenge dealing with Sin. What’s your take on this? And how do you think we can overcome sin?
I can’t speak extensively on this right now, but here’s a part of what I believe constitutes our challenge with sin: a Christian’s challenge with dealing with sin has a whole lot to do with his or her understanding and utilization of grace. I’ll explain.
One man is taught and describes grace thus: “I’m once saved, and forever saved. Whatever I do hereafter: good or bad, matters little or nothing”. Such will have challenge with sin.
Another thinks of grace thus: “Yes I’m saved, but whenever I’m faced with temptation or trial, and I fall, God understands and will forgive when I ask Him to”. Such will have no power over sin.
Here’s how I interpret grace: that at salvation, you receive the Spirit of God Who enables you to stand in the day of temptation, that you have the word of God to teach, warn and renew you daily, that you have Jesus always interceding for you, that Christ died not just for your salvation but for you sanctification, that He has given you exceeding great and precious promises by which you can possess His nature(2 Peter 1:4), that you can PRAY to Him and rest in His victory over the chief tempter, that He has promised to make a way out of every temptation (I Cor 10:13); all this, is grace for me and renders us inexcusable if we find ourselves living still bound to sin.
There’s a lot more though.
FH: Can you share the most remarkable time/season in your walk with God?
To anyone reading this, wait till you (really) receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost, then you’ll understand the most remarkable season in my walk with God ☺
FH: What is your relationship with God like today?
Right now, Jesus is at the centre of my goals, passions, ambitions, life; not ‘cause I made it so. No, He did. I just let Him. Yet is there an infinite degree to Him that I’m yet to experience ☹

Words of encouragement that you have for people in whatever phase they are in right now.

Whenever I find opportunity to thank God often I say: “Thank You Father, because you never left me alone”. Whatever you’re passing through, always remember, God never leaves us alone and no prayer of His child’s goes unheard.

Tommy blogs at http://walkwithmee.wordpress.com/ (Do visit and go through his art – Awesome stuff)

Posted in inspirational, MyGod&I | 4 Comments

#ThankfulThursday: The Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award

Hello Everyone, 

I hope you all are enjoying the My God & I series so far? 


I knowwww Fredilia this is late and I trieed to post it earlier but…… I even still owe This favoured Woman a liebstar response. But one step at a time right? Pardon me? pretty please?

Thank you. 

Here is my accepting the Award and doing the needful.

The Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award is an award passed from sister blogger to sister blogger, and there are just 5 conditions to be met when you accept the award:

1.Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site
2.Put the awards logo on your blog
3.Answer their ten questions
4.Make up 10 new questions for your nominees
5.Nominate 10 bloggers

Thank you Fredilia for the Award! I appreciate it so much. 🙂

But I got just one question:

“Tell us about a part of you that you struggled with (e.g. a habit, nose, shape, leg) and how you overcame the fear.”

My Response: 

I know this is mostly about physical appearance but honestly, I didn’t struggle with any of those. so, here is something else I struggled with. 


“To repeat grade 11”

clearly written on the dotted lines of my yearly academic report. My parents didn’t hide their disappointment in anyway and I lost the battle with tears letting it flow freely. I spent the holiday pinching myself hoping I would wake up from the bad dream only this dream didn’t seem to end.

The look I got from my mother haunted me to better grade the coming year. They weren’t convinced. I had ruined it once and it felt like they expected a repeat performance. They got a surprise till I graduated high school.

When i entered into the University it became a campaign to get my parents approval and get affirmations for a job well done, so I put in more efforts to get even better grades and as every year went by with better grade that were some not “good enough”, resentment grew.

A year before I graduated university, my mother pulled up a chair next to me, she told me how much growth she noticed in my academics and how wrong she was about me and for the first time in years she acknowledged my efforts.

I wrote once about my unsung heroes and how one guy (Joseph) just by taking out time to ask one 100L girl about her results and advising her to not relax but take her books seriously changed me and helped me have better grades till I graduated.

“I will give you beauty for ashes” says the Lord, and I also learned to forgive and let go of deep hurts regardless of the circumstances that caused them. I stopped seeking affirmations and saw the beauty in every battle not because I won or lost in the individual context but for every battle there was a degree of preparation for the next battle but I didn’t realise till I looked back.

This I am grateful for!! 

Happy New October people!! 

Have you come to an end of yourself? Have you come to a point where nothing else seems to be working out and you’ve tried all you could? Click to meet GRACE

Posted in Awards, ThankfulThursday | 10 Comments

¨I gave my life to Christ when I was 9¨ God and I with Tolani

FH: Tell us about you
`My name is Ajala Tolani, i really don’t have a nickname. I am a graduate of physiology, a very sensitive person in nature that is why I don’t get close to people easily but when I do you’ll never regret it (never a dull moment with tOLaRr).

FH: When did you give your life to Christ?
I gave my life to Christ when I was 9 years old and I rededicated my life to Christ 2007.

FH: What were the events that led up to making the decision?
I was saved at a very tender age, joined the choir to the extent I sometimes share my bible class teachings with my friends. I didn’t know much then but I just wanted to serve God. After a while I backslided.
In 2007, a lot of things happened in my life that left me helpless, fearful, devastated, a lot of sleepless night which made thirsty for a change. I had no option but to retrace my steps back to the potter.

FH: What challenges have you experienced in your walk with God?
Whao, Challenges!!! Have had so many but there was just this one thing then, which was hearing and believing from the basis of God’s word. Concerning every issue of my life I wanted to hear from God through His word (fine, I listened to messages, read books). On every issue I just wanted to know the mind of God.

FH: What practical steps did you take?
Be anxious for nothing …….. (I’ll put my name here), but by prayer with thanksgiving allow your request (no matter how small it is, what to wear, what you need, how to go about something) be made known unto God. Ephesians 1:16-18 was also one of the scriptures I used.

FH: There are times in our walk where don’t exactly feel top notch, what keeps you going in those times?
What kept me going in times like that is fellowshipping with fellow brethren that is why church programs are called service just like the way we service our cars. I made sure I avail myself for paryer meetings and bible study, iron sharpens iron. It wasn’t that easy but it really helped.

FH: A lot of Christians out there have the major challenge of dealing with sin, what’s your take on this and how do you think we can overcome sin?
Sin is man’s old nature and our perfection is in Christ. Therefore to overcome sin, one has to admit that something is wrong. Don’t ever appreciate sin instead focus more on the solution even when you’re still in the act. Put the sin aside and focus more on being a better person especially in that area. Focus on the price and not the problem.

FH: Can you share the most remarkable time or season in your walk with God?
The day I rededicated myself back to Christ, since then I have never experienced a better last year because He daily loaded me with benefits.

FH: What is your relationship with God like today?

FH: Words of encouragements

God is always speaking to us through the Holy Spirit. Concerning that situation, look unto God because His plan for your life is in His book. No matter what you are going through always give thanks, its not always that easy but just obey 1Timothy 4:4

PS: Happy Independence to Nigeria!!! I pray that the coming election will be according to the plans and dictates to the most high, His express will be done in this nation and we will grow in peace and unity!! In Jesus name! Amen!!!

Posted in DearGod, Guest Blogger, Imperfect, inspirational, MyGod&I | 2 Comments

”For the first time I prayed out loud” My God & I with Wale

FH: Tell us about you.

I’m a vibrant, energetic and young boy called Wale. A graduate of Crawford University, lover of Christ because I believe there is no-one like HIM.

FH: When did you give your life to Christ?

That was 2011, at a revival service in my school.

FH: What were the events that led up to making the decision?

Somethings just happen and you don’t have explanation for them. Like the word said in Galatians 1:15 – called me by his grace. That was the time I had to surrender all to Him, commit my life to Him fully. The minister was preaching and it felt like it was for me, for the first time I PRAYED OUT LOUD.

FH:  What challenges have you experienced in your walk with God?

A lot, like backsliding, wanting to do those old habits. I use to go out drinking alcohol with my friends before salvation, afterwards, you look weird to them like ‘is this guy alright’.

FH: What practical steps did you take to deal with them? 

I was weak then, I lacked orientation let me say; I had no mentor – I felt it was just about living a good life, having good habit basically it was like rule of morality for me. So, it wasn’t helping but I had an encounter with a friend who understands walking with God. Now, I deal with them by reading the word, meditating on it. David said my heart is fixed and I’ll sing praises to God. I had to be in love with God to be able to fight it. – walking in love.

FH: There are times in our walk where we don’t exactly feel top notch, what keeps you going in those times? 

I’m a lover of music, well, have learnt a lot in my walk with God, most especially when you meet people of like mind. The scripture says ‘so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend’ (Proverbs 27:7) also in Hebrews 3:13, it says ‘but exhort one another daily.’ I have just gospel music in my archive and not just anyhow gospel music like the owambe type, I listen to those anointed ones that will keep me going like Nathaniel Bassey, Frank Edward, Wale Adenuga, Jesus Culture, Darlene etc
I also listen to messages on the go like Hagin, Kenyon, Adeboye etc, they just get me going.

FH: Alot of Christians out there have the major challenge of dealing with Sin, whats your take on this? and how do you think we can overcome sin?

One of my fav quote in the bible is Romans 12:1-2 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” As well as Matthew 5:48 “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect”

These quotes serve has my guide in not to sin, also Jesus said “if you love ME then keep my commandments.” We claim to love HIM then we should hate sin.

FH: Can you share the most remarkable time/season in your walk with God?

It’s this year, I’m enjoying it so much due to the fact that I’m understanding my walk now.

FH: What is your relationship with God like today?

I can’t describe it, it’s awesome I’ll say, I won’t want to trade it for anything. I love HIM!

FH: Words of encouragement that you have for people in whatever phase they are in right now? 

Just think of HIS goodness over your life. God said is our shield and great exceeding reward (Gen 15:1)
Lay it at His feet any burden that you may have, just cast all to HIM and relax. Bro Hagin said ‘every God’s blessings comes with a condition’ and that is we must obey HIM!

Wale is a lover of Christ and a thinker. He blogs at 


Do check him out!

God bless you.

Posted in DearGod, Guest Blogger, Guest Post, inspirational, MyGod&I | 7 Comments

9 Months later and she walks without support!!!!!!

Hi Everyone,
Remember when I asked to help say Thank you to my parents? I do appreciate that and I won’t forget all the kind words. Welllllll 
It was because of my sister’s accident at the time and today after visiting the hospital the doctor collected the stick!!! 
She went from crutches to walking stick in the process of the 9 months healing. I AM SO EXCITED!!! 
Now, no more special treatment!! :p :p 
Grateful to God for perfecting her healing. It’s been one exciting journey and I especially LOVED her attitude during this period, all being positive through it. 

God bless you Toyo!!
Thank you Lord!!!

Posted in Gratitude, Thanks | 10 Comments

”Was very doubtful I was going to get admitted into school” My God & I with Temilade

FH: Tell us about you.

My name is Temilade Adefioye, most people call me Temi or Temmy. I’m currently doing my Masters program, I love to read, write, cycle and swim. Most people say I’m a very lovely person and I agree with that *:) happy

FH: When did you give your life to Christ?

I gave my life to Christ on September 11, 2000 (not 2011 of the 9/11 saga) 

FH: What were the events that led up to making the decision?

I was a normal teenager in search of a life of love and comfort but at the same time very inquisitive about religion and God. I was attending a church that preached so much about pleasing God and going to heaven. The preaching about the rapture and the second coming scared me a lot and I didn’t want to be left behind, the only way out was to give my life to Christ, so I did. 
After then, I just continued living life normally without seeking a deeper relationship with God until I got to a point where I wasn’t sure if I was truly born-again. I was attending church services with one of my family friends and on our way to church one day, I told her I wasn’t sure if I was born-again, she asked me some basic questions, my answers convinced me that I was and so I sought to have a deeper relationship with God (I wanted to be like Aimee Semple McPherson *:) happy) .

FH: What challenges have you experienced in your walk with God?

I have experienced so many challenges in my walk with God. I have experienced situations such as the death of a cousin who I looked up to which made me question the existence of God. I’ve had to deal with joblessness, frustration and an accident with left me with some scars which made me question the love of God in my life, I have also had to deal with doubts and fears especially with my finance, career, marriage and future.

FH: What practical steps did you take to deal with them? 

With each situation I face, God surrounds me with very good friends, not just good people, but good Christians friends who provide me with support such as prayers and words of comfort. God uses them so many times to direct me to Bible passages and similar situations in their lives they have experienced and came out strong. In addition to my friends, I make it a point of duty to read Christian and inspirational books and listen to gospel music.
So the steps I take in summary-Reading the Bible, surrounding myself with positive people, reading Christian books, listening to gospel music. 

FH: There are times in our walk where we don’t exactly feel top notch, what keeps you going in those times? 

I find that most times when I’m really down and absolutely clueless even about what Bible verse to read and which friend to talk to, a song I have listened to in the past begins to play in my head. I think this is the Holy Spirit’s way of comforting me. If there are no songs in my head, then what comes to mind could be Bible passages, portions in a book I have read or parts of a conversation I had with someone in the past. 

FH: Alot of Christians out there have the major challenge of dealing with Sin, whats your take on this? and how do you think we can overcome sin?

I think if you don’t have a sin, temptation or something negative to deal with, then maybe you have ignored God so much that you don’t have that Spirit check any more. Sometimes, it may not be sin you have to deal with, it could be anxiety or doubt. At every point, there is always something to deal with. It may not be very easy, but the only way we can overcome sin is by asking for the help of God promptly. There are times when I’ve been tempted to do things my way and it has never resulted in any good, but that doesn’t mean I will not do it next time, it just means I’m human and I really need the help of God. 

FH: Can you share the most remarkable time/season in your walk with God?

The most remarkable time in my walk with God was when I got admission into the university for my undergraduate course. It was at a time when it was very difficult to get admission into the university in Nigeria, when it was a matter of who you knew. It became particularly difficult for me when I began to learn that most of my mates from secondary school were in their third year in the university and my younger sister was also about finishing secondary school. I could not imagine why I couldn’t get into the university because I came out with very good grades in my Secondary certificate examinations. 
It affected me so much that I always got into trouble at home because myself-esteem was going down the hill. I was having a conversation with one of my family friends and she told me about her school, I applied but was very doubtful I was going to get admitted because there was age limit on admission. I was really shocked to find out that as young as I was, I was becoming too old to get into a private school. I prayed about it and God’s specific words to me were ‘I will restore the years that the locust and the canker worms have eaten’ (Joel 2:25-27). At first, I was very doubtful but I got the admission and each step of the way throughout the course, God was with me, for every tough time I faced, there was a word just there to guide and comfort me. At the end of my undergraduate degree, the only thing I could say was that ‘He did repay me back!’

FH: What is your relationship with God like today?

My relationship with God today is very wonderful. Though there are times when I still have my lows feel I’m loosing it. With each passing day however, His mercies are renewed to me

FH: Words of encouragement that you have for people in whatever phase they are in right now? 

A number of Bible verses really keep me going these days, I like to link them with each other because I feel they touch every aspect of my life.
When I’m in trouble – Your troubles will go away like water beneath a bridge, and your darkest night will be brighter than noon. You will rest safe and secure, filled with hope and emptied of worry. You will sleep without fear and be greatly respected (Job 11:16-19-Contemporary English Version)
When I’m in doubt – Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away- Mark 13:31 
When my doubt is getting out of hand – O Lord, you are true to your promises and your words a like silver, purified seven times in a furnace of clay (Psalm12:6-I can’t remember the Bible version)
When I doubt God’s existence – The fool in his heart says ‘There is no God’ (Psalm 14:1a-NIV)

I think those are the things that bother me most, when I’m faced with troubles, I remember the first passage and then when I doubt the first passage, I remember the second, when I doubt the second, I remember the third, I get to the peak of my doubt when I doubt God’s existence, then I remember the fourth and my strength is renewed.

Temilade is a simple, fun loving, not perfect in any way person. she loves to gist, loves her friends, loves her family, currently loving swimming, but most importantly, she loves God and loves Him more each day. She is not a random person found just about everywhere; she is unique, special and apt for God’s purpose. As each day unfolds, God helps her discover who she is in Him as she evolves into who He wants her to be in Him. She knows why she is here on earth-she was created for God’s glory, so all the glory returns to God, thank you for making her who she is!

She blogs at: http://temiladeadefioye.blogspot.com/

Have you come to an end of yourself? Have you come to a point where nothing else seems to be working out and you’ve tried all you could? Click to meet GRACE

Posted in DearGod, GodandI, Guest Post, inspirational, MyGod&I, Questions | 6 Comments

Dear 18-year-old-me

Hey Girl,

I see you just turned 18 and I know you are uber-excited. Mummy Bankole will call you today and tell you these words ”You’re 18 now, you’ve become responsible” and she means it but something she missed out is  responsibility is not imputed to you because of your age, you have to learn to be it. Don’t brush it off, own it and learn to be responsible.

Look at you all innocent, Its cute and all but I need you to quit being innocent this has gotten you in trouble and from the look of things will get you into more trouble. I’m not trying to be hard on you, let me explain what I mean. I know you are intelligent, but I need you to be sharp and stop being oblivious and really take responsibilty for your life. Not everyone has your best intentions at heart. Stop assuming everyone does.

In the same light(but may sound contradictory) do not lose your trust in people, balance is key. Balance it out. Wisdom is profitable to direct.
I know right now you are battling with low self esteem because nobody exactly believes in you but let me tell you one thing you are smart and in about a year from now you will have every reason to doubt what you’ve believed about yourself for most of your teenage years. Its not going to be an easy phase for you but you need to start believing in yourself for yourself. Get ready.

I know you hold alot of resentment against your parents right now for not believing in you, for sending you to that school without their proper research about it and the other little things that lead you here but I promise it will get better, you will get better. Forgive. Really Forgive, because you are just hurting yourself by holding that much toxic stuff inside and its beginning to make you bitter. Let it go because when you finally do some years from now, you will wonder why you didn’t earlier.

Do.not.date.boys. DONT! and shun those ones that don’t even what to define what they want from you, really. This piece of advice is not for now, keep it in your left palm you will need it in a few years. Trust me.

I know you go to church on Sunday and you believe in Jesus but I need you to stop being lukwarm about it, its more that what mummy says or what you should do to not go to hell, God wants a relationship with you. God shouldn’t be a part of your life, your life should be centred around him and your life will be better for it, contrary to what you think right now the ‘SU’ is not an extreme, its the life. little hint, You will live like one soon! oh yes, without earring and trousers.

I see you forbidding it. Lol. best believe girl!

Finally, I love you very much. These are some of the things I wish you knew about in this phase of your life but I am grateful. Grateful for you, grateful to you for who I am now. Thank you for being too innocent to a fault, Thank you for all your flaws, thank you for the ignorant mistakes you made and thank you for being focused and firm with your dreams.

Every step, every misstep, every decision you made and the ones you didn’t make led me here. Exactly where God has me today. Thank you.

Thank God.
Cheers to the future!


Ever think of writing a letter to your old self? What advice will you give your younger self?

Have you come to an end of yourself? Have you come to a point where nothing else seems to be working out and you’ve tried all you could? Click to meet GRACE

Posted in Gratitude, inspirational, Love, Reality, Rebirth, Thanks, Thoughts | 16 Comments